Correspondence ?Eichler (August) and Engelmann (George),
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- Publication date
- 1869
- Topics
- (Alvan Wentworth),, (Heinrich Gustav),, (Nathanael),, 1794-1868, 1805-1877, 1809-1884, 1809-1899, 1810-1888, 1816-1877, 1822-1889, 1822-1897, 1822-1912, 1823-1894, 1824-1877, 1824-1889, 1825-1891, 1833-1906, 1839-1887, 1841-1924, Alexander Braun's Leben nach seinem handschriftlic, Alter Botanischer Garten, Arceuthobium, Blu?thendiagramme, Botanical specimens, Botanischer Garten, Braun, Alexander,, Cactaceae, Chapman, A. W, Collection and preservation, Correspondence, Eichler, August Wilhelm,, Emperor of Brazil,, Empress, consort of Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil,, Engelmann, George,, Flora brasiliensis, Glaziou,, Gray, Asa,, Hegelmaier, Christoph Friedrich,, Hofmeister, Wilhelm,, II,, Letters, Loranthaceae, Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von,, Mello, Joaquim Corre?a de,, Mettenius, Cecile, Mu?ller, Fritz,, Peckolt, Theodor,, Pedro, Pringsheim, N, Receipts (Acknowledgments), Reichenbach, H. G, Teresa Cristina,, Universita?t Graz, Viscum, Warming, Eugenius,
- Collection
- botanicus; biodiversity
- Contributor
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- Language
- German
- Volume
- Eichler to Engelmann, 1869-1882
- Item Size
- 96.2M
- Addeddate
- 2013-11-30 07:00:28
- Call-number
- Archives Collection 1 RG 4/1/5/1
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- mobot31753003891386
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t0ht51p5d
- Ocr
- tesseract 5.3.0-6-g76ae
- Ocr_detected_lang
- en
- Ocr_detected_lang_conf
- 1.0000
- Ocr_detected_script
- Latin
- Ocr_detected_script_conf
- 0.7187
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- 0.0.21
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- -l deu
- Openlibrary_edition
- OL25575599M
- Openlibrary_work
- OL17001583W
- Page_number_confidence
- 0
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.3
- Pages
- 55
- Pdf_module_version
- 0.0.23
- Possible copyright status
- Permission to digitize granted by rights holder
- Ppi
- 72
- Scandate
- 20130917120540
- Full catalog record
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Biodiversity Heritage Library.
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